
Less than 10% survive sudden cardiac arrest outside of the hospital, despite improved resuscitation techniques and postresuscitation care. Survival dramatically decreases for every minute that passes without advanced life support.

With ResQDoppler® we aim to develop a new solution for improved outcome after sudden cardiac arrest that measures blood flow continuously and non-invasively in the carotid artery during resuscitation.

7-8 million annual cardiac arrests worldwide are in need of better outcomes.

Replaces pulse palpation
Just 50% of professionals can find the pulse in a stressful situation

No interruptions
of compressions to check for pulse.

Continuous monitoring
Postition of compression can be optimized for maximum blood flow

Return of spontaneous circulation
ResQDoppler® tells you when the heart starts beating again. Stop worrying about pulseless electrical activity.

Applied in seconds
Novel fastening mechanism

Clinical trial
First successful human data obtained in 2023

How ResQDoppler® works

An ultrasound probe is fastened above the carotid artery of the patient in a few seconds using the innovative ultrasound patch. The embedded ultrasound probe continuously monitors if there is any blood flow to the brain, and can alert the first responder if:
  • the compressions are not effective
  • return of spontaneous circulation (the heart starts beating again)
ResQDoppler® can be embedded inside a defibrillator as an OEM component or be developed as a standalone device.
Pulsed-wave Doppler signal during compressions. Pre-clinical data.