Preterm birth affects 10% of all newborns, exposing them to an increasing risk of brain damage in their first months of life. We developed NeoDoppler® because there is currently no direct continuous measurement of brain blood flow available to infants, despite an undeniable need world wide. Alternative methods either rely on an indirect measure of blood flow (NIRS) or intermittent examinations by highly trained professionals (standard “snapshot” ultrasound imaging).
A guide to interpretation of the waveforms
To help health care personnel recognize the visual characteristics of disease-associated Doppler spectra, a scoping review of previous studies on cerebral Doppler arterial waveforms in infants has been performed

The Hemodynamic monitoring system is the very first of its kind.
No need for specialized operators
The system can be handled by general health care professionals.
Non invasive
Does not require inserting of devices into the body.
Direct, continuous measurement
Instead of indirect or intermittent measurement of blood flow.
Flexible system
Well suited for integration with third-party systems.
Immediate response
Discovers changes in hemodynamics immediately, for fast intervention.
How NeoDoppler® works
The NeoDoppler® system includes a stand alone display unit that connects to an ultrasound scanner. For each patient, a disposable ultrasound probe is attached using a special tailored attachment accessory and then connected to the scanner unit.
The small probe is attached on top of the infant’s head. You simply remove the plastic cover from the accessory, and attach the probe (it should be placed over the anterior fontanelle). Once attached, the probe will immediately measure blood flow velocities and display it on the screen, and you can choose the view you prefer by touching the screen. The accessory is easily removed after use.
NeoDoppler® Quickstart Guide
NeoDoppler® is a Doppler ultrasound system that is intended to monitor cerebral blood flow (CBF) in infants.

Where to buy
NeoDoppler® is certified according to the Medical Device Regulative 2017/745 (“MDR”) at TÜV SÜD. NeoDoppler is already in use at several large hospitals across Europe.
Please use the phone number or email address below to request a demonstration or to place an order.